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Traductions en contexte de "bando" en italien-français avec Reverso Context : bando di gara, messa al bando, bando di concorso, pubblicazione del bando, bando per
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Vérifiez les traductions'procinto' en Français. Cherchez des exemples de traductions procinto dans des phrases, écoutez à la prononciation et apprenez la grammaire.
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Inoltre, nel mese di agosto 2000 è stato lanciato un bando di gara per uno studio sul contesto giuridico che riguarda le relazioni tra imprese e la subfornitura in tre paesi dell'Europa centrale e orientale (Polonia, Republica ceca e Romania)218.
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Bando Electronics Malaysia, or in short BEM, was established in the late 1991 and we officially commenced operation on January 1993. Geographically, BEM is located in a small city Rawang, which is at the northern part of Kuala Lumpur.
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Alla luce di quanto ho detto, dovremmo cercare di arrivare alla messa al bando di questo sistema radar fino a nuovo ordine, nonché di scoprirne rapidamente gli effetti sulla vita marina. On the basis of all I have said we should try to obtain a ban on the use of this radar system until further notice and swiftly discover its effects on marine ...
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Compound Forms/Forme composte: Italiano: Inglese: bando alle ciance: cut the cackle, let's stop all the chit-chat, enough talking expr expression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own.": bando di concorso: competition announcement n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.
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Following this update, all airlines certified in Armenia have been added to the list. In addition, the list of air carriers certified in Congo (Brazzaville), Democratic Republic of Congo, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Nepal, and Sierra Leone has been reviewed and amended, with new carriers from these countries added, and carriers which do not exist any longer removed.
– Pubblicato il Bando di Concorso 1350 Allievi Agenti Polizia di Stato 2020 (Riservato VFP1 e VFP4) Il Bando di Concorso, per esami e titoli, per il reclutamento di 1350 Agenti della Polizia di Stato per l’anno 2020, riservato ai VFP1 e VFP4 in servizio o in congedo, è stato pubblicato sulla Gazzetta della Repubblica Italiana.
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Bando is short for abandoned house. one who is in band; comes from the derogatory term band dork; not always a bad thing to be called seeing as how bandos rule all
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D-Bando is an American rapper from Houston, Texas. Challenge School, Big Food Challenge- Best Toy School Challenge School kids break from Slime School with silly teacher for a Big Food Challenge ...
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Roues libres externes FXR - utilisés si l'on souhaite donner du jeu à la bande transporteuse ou à l'installation, par exemple en cas de bourrage au niveau du tambour d'entraîne-ment, ou si l'on souhaite procéder à une marche arrière limitée du convoyeur.
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